New - Requested Cooking Classes, A Benefit to Raise Money for Cancer Research, and Catching Up!
Save The Date: June 3, 2023: Benefit @ Gray’s Landing!
Dear Friends: You may have heard the Mr. CWA, Richard Gray, underwent successful Lung Cancer Surgery on February 15th. We were lucky that it was picked up on a regular yearly scan. We were also lucky in that it did not spread to the lymph nodes. It is considered Stage 1. His surgeon, Dr. Hugh Auchincloss, performed VERY COOL robotics surgery. Our wish for the benefit is that we will be able to raise lots of money for more research, clinical trials, mini studies, and experimental options. It all matters. Research from the last 6 weeks is what also lead to Dr. A adjusting the procedure he used on Richard. Discretionary funding in cancer research MATTERS. It all matters. We want to do more so that Dr. Auchincloss and his team, can do more. Lung Cancer is affecting non-smokers and smokers. People are doing better than in the past, in part, because of the rapid rise in cases, money is being spent on this area - and you know what? Therapies are better, the surgery options are better, and people are getting diagnosed earlier. That is the key. Early Detection. Lots more to come -but SAVE THE DATE!
Eating to Live: The CLASS you have been asking for the last few months! Eating HEALTHY, Changing your path…Recipes from The How Not to Die Coobook, & recipes created by Chef Abby are sourced just for you.
So, what is this series of Cooking Classes?
4 Classes focusing on healthy prep, cooking and eating, mostly plant and fish based recipes. You’ll build your own arsenal of go-to favorites.
You have a sweet tooth? Desserts that taste good and are not bad for your sugar levels. We focus on alternatives to sugar based options.
Recipes that are good for pre-diabetics and diabetics, joint pain, menopause, and guarding against cancer. A Guide to your pantry staples.