The Origin of Tiramisu


Tiramisu, an authentic Italian treat enjoyed by many, holds a rich history that spans centuries. As part Italian myself (50%), I wanted to look into the origin of tiramisu. The word “tiramisu” literally means “pick me up” and it comes from the Treviso dialect, “Tiremesu”, and later became Tiramisù in the 20th century. Evidence has suggested that Tiramisù originated in the early 1800s in Treviso – a municipality in the Veneto region of northern Italy. Around this time, it is said that the dessert may have been created inside the brothels of Treviso by a mistress who used it to stay awake to care for her newborn. Additionally, the story continues that she shared the recipe with a pastry chef, Robert Linguanotto, who helped perfect the tiramisu in the mid-to-late 1800s, using the traditional ingredients of egg yolks, sugar, mascarpone, cocoa powder, coffee, finger biscuits, and coffee liquor. After Robert Linguanotto refined the tiramisu recipe, it gained popularity not just in Treviso but also in the surrounding regions, becoming a staple in Italian cuisine. However, tiramisu gained popularity in the US gradually throughout the 20th century as Italian immigrants brought recipes with them to the United States, including beloved desserts like tiramisu, that many love today.


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