Read about Abby and Abby & Megan in Boston Voyager! Hello 2019!

Hello Fabulous Peeps!

I am so busy with people, that i have little time to update this BLOG! But it is an intention of mine for 2019 to add BLOG posts regularly, add a recipe bank, attract corporate sponsors and partners, and GROW these two amazing companies that I love with all of my heart. I love them because of the people — and the fact that I get to cook and travel for both of them. This appeared last Sunday and I am so honored.

I promise my content will be enhanced moving forward. I know you all want my recipes and I have listened to you. THANK YOU for always being the best clients in the world. Stay tuned…literally, we are developing a TV show, too (already on BNN as well - more to follow, YouTube, etc.)

Cheers - and stay warm in the cold spots!


While YOU are Social Distancing...Online Cooking Classes and Recipes/Cooking Advice


Why I Created Culinary Adventures with Abby!